MissyBrownEyes Huh!
BrownEyed Bitch.
Jokes just keep coming whenever its with this sotong.
Just right after we jumped into the water, this sotong said its so cold and she can't swim yet. Asking me to start first and this bitch repeated the SAME line when I finished one lap.
"Its Too Cold, I Can't Swim."
I aint no fast swimmer, if you know what I mean.
Thats no. 1.
2ndly, I asked if she knows other style other than the usual frog style, she said she can do the shark style.
Thinking she's going to demo, I patiently waited and she JUST SWAM OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3rdly, without my glasses, I managed to spot the guy whom I saw the previous week!
With the same America-flagged swimming cap, the same red hot coloured google and the same HOT EIGHT PACS body...
She said:"Indeed he's hot but what if he looks bad when he took off his google?
After awhile, that guy took off his swimming cap and later, his google.
I went out of the pool, packed my stuffs and "Gie, lets go."
Hahahaha no la.
He looks ok but just abit
Then she said:"But the friend looks ok."
Throughout the whole session, this ding dong keeps whining that there's no sun.
Whats more? Look at our bags;
That girl's and mine.
When we came out from shower, it started to rain meow meow and oh oh.
I looked at her while she applies her moisturiser, followed by body spray.
FullOfExcuseGirl: *BIG SMILES* Since its raining and we can't leave.
AmazedByHerFren: *Smiles back...*
I continued with my packing and when I turned over, she's on her loose powder...
FullOfExcuseGirl: *BIG SMILES* Since its raining and we can't leave.
AmazedByHerFren: *Still Smiling...*
Just a few secs, she pulls out her MASCARA and CURLER!!!!!
AmazedByHerFren: *Gone crazy and starts digging into her bag* Tell me tell me, what do you still have in your Doraemon bag????
As I was leaving...
BuayTahanFren: I'm done, lets go!
StillNotReadyFren: Ok ok, one sec.
BuayTahanFren: Are you done? I'm hungry.
StillNotReadyFren: Ok ok, one sec.
BuayTahanFren: So slow, I go first.
StillNotReadyFren: Ok ok, one sec.
BuayTahanFren: I really going le huh...
StillNotReadyFren: Ok ok, one sec.
BuayTahanFren: Bye.