I'll Be Back.

That someone who used to be more than friend.
That someone who aren't as close anymore.
That someone came back.

Hanging around the not-just-friend and definitely-not-an-item-anymore status, he's back.

Yes. The I-won't-consider-him-as-ex-but-I-can't-deny-the-fact-that-we-were-once-together someone.

How did everything happen?? Hmm...

Okay, it goes something like a simple sms which goes;
"Shall we tryout? To go into a relationship?" He asked.
"Alright." I replied.

Yes. That simple.

Frankily speaking, I can't remember much about him except for the fact that he's a nice chap, and I believe that he still is.

Whenever I want to go for a walk or something, I would think of him - He IS the only guy who will come all the way to my place just for a stroll with me.

Was quite surprise that he remembers that I like to hang around at the playground downstair, and even offer to come accompany me.

He's a nice chap, as I said.


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