Of The Shrek's Ears...

Shrek is in the air...

Cos of what Roti said, I purposely went Mac to buy the Shrek's ears.
*I seriously wont consider buying if its not for charity's sake.

The Roti Shrek.

The MINI Shrek.

It didnt turn out as easy as usual to take pictures for Nicole today.

You think kids dont choose?

Nicole: *Whines* I don't want... It's so ugly!!!

Hahaha so cute.

Gadget Girl.

Yeah yeah yeah, just call me The GG - Not Girl Girl but, Gadget Girl.
Discovered NEW stuffs again!!!
Doraemon Doraemon Doraemon Doraemon!!!

You think its just soft toy?
Uh Uh... WRONG!!!!!!

Make a guess!!!

No idea?
How about a SMALL hint??

Anything special?

Yeah, its a speaker.
One where you could just plug in to any mp3 player, cd player or so.

Isnt it just so cute???

Oh I didnt forget about my new Doraemon chopsticks!!!
I guess I will be able to improve on my chopstick skill very soon...

8Bucks for 4pairs.

THANK YOU ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roti's Apple Tree!

Once upon a time....


Look at the series of apples below;

Any weird stuffs?

See again...

Saw it???

One more time,



Which apple in the whole wide world is still red in colour after being eaten till such state.

Yeah, thats the thing about roti's apple tree...
*When will the melted baseball bat comes back?

Just Do It!

Wanted for a haircut so badly.

Have been repeatedly thinking of whether or not to cut.
I guess I'm really too bored yesterday that I decided to JUST DO IT and regret as usual.

My intended style.

But it turned out...


Blades Of Glory

Blades Of Glory. Indeed.

Man, this is like the best comedy this year!
I just couldnt emphasize enough on how funny it is, you just gotta watch it YOURSELF!!!

Gadgets Girl.

Like Esmael said, I'm a 'gadget girl'.

I'm into almost any gadget that fascinates me.

Recently, I got myself new stuffs - Workstation Massager and Massage Anywhere!
*Of course, I gave them names.

The WM as its a USB operated.
*I can only use it when I'm at my workstation, be it office or home.

MA as its battery operated.

These 2 might not really work as good for the others as they are for me, but they are just simply perfect for BEANCURD like me!!!

OSIM?? PUI!!!!

Mamas' Day!

Went to mama's mama's place.
*Not typo ah, its my grandma la!
Although its mama's day but its still a Sunday - Family Day!
Kitchen is packed with both people and FOODS, room is occupied by kids, as usual.
One word, PACKED.

Nothing special, nothing fascinating.


Our guest of honoured.

The Honoured 11.

Went Jurong with Eric, Louis and Charvell to prawn.

I have to say they are so damned good in this so-called ah bei's activity - Eric got the 1st prawn in less than 30minutes.

I spent a whole 3hours staring at this;

The float.

As a matter of fact, its all about patience and tactic. *Which have been decreasing as time passes, especially seeing how Eric and Louis keep contributing to our breakfast.

After nth times of feeding, I'm on the verge of jumping into the pond despite the fact that I'm not a very seafood person.

Finally at around 5am, I decided to focus on this particular prawn, which I think it will be worthwhile to spend the rest of my morning on it, given the size and weight.

Things started to get personal when it keeps eating the baits and not being HOOKED!

I guess it pays off to be patient and staying focused.

Hahahaha and there it goes, joining the others...

The honoured 11.

See how BIG it is!

YUM YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Days...

I missed the days...

Or rather, the
*YOU know what I mean, dont YOU?

I Quit.

MC or Urgent Leave? MC or Urgent Leave? MC or Urgent Leave?

Nvm, I quit.

When I'm 40...

I shall start combing my hair this way when I turn 40.

Elegant or old?

Harley Davidson

Went Handle's Bar - Biker's Hangout.
Its my first time there, obviously.

You seriouly dont bother much till you see the special seat.

Its a SWING!

And the food...

The foods seriously didnt taste as bad as they were presented.

Checkout the washroom!!!

Stickers, stickers and MORE stickers!

I'm not a very bike person but its amazing!
Labels everywhere!!!

As I was exploring, I saw something.

A bottle hung by a rope,

leading from the ceiling and to the outside.

Until I get out of the washroom then I realised that they actually made use of the weight of the bottle to hold on to the door, so that the door will remain CLOSED at all times!

Even the caption are catching enough.

Remember when SEX was safe And MOTORCYCLES were Not?!

An interesting place to visit but the price is slightly above average...
*Heard from Esmael that the bar was owned by this guy who worked for Harley Davidson and his wife owns a Harley as well... Kinda cool huh!

Subjected To Approval?

I never liked to talk about works.

I received a sms from some blardy shit telling me that 'MCs are SUBJECTED TO APPROVAL!!!!!!!'

Tell that to MOM.



Lately, Sundays are boring.

My cousins are alway not there.

Look what I'm doing... Yawnsss...

I ended up playing with Meimei, helping her with her stickers book.

There are like a damned lotsa of them!!!

Stickerpaster: Meimei, just paste it in will do, no need so nice.
Meimei: No, must paste nice nice! If not, my mummy will become monster!
*Pointing at the dinosaur* Like this!
Stickerpaster: Hahahahahahahahahaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meimei concentrating on her 'homework'.

Its so bored that I started playing with myself...


Then I got THEM to join in...

My mummy!

My 2nd aunt...

And my 3rd aunt!

Life cannot be anymore boring than this!