Pocket Salvation

Its OFF DAY!!!
Scheduled to go Malaysia again and watched Terminator Salvation.

Hey Hey!!!
Before the movie, we gotta start off with our TEPPANYAKI!!!

So missing the SCALLOPS!!!

The Fried Rice is delicious too.
We've been to City Square so many times lately that we're so familiar with the place.
I wonder where else can we go?
Every now and then when we pass the custom, there will always be people asking if we want taxi, and the taxi always reminds me of how Angie and I held our hands tightly when the taxi driver drove us to some small alleys and....
Hahahaha its a SHORTCUT to our destination la!!!
Those were the days...

Still waiting for our dinner.
Chicken Noodle and Tom Yum Bee Hoon on STONE!


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