Only 4!

Grandma's back home since last weekend.

Therefore, being the family with most time available, my mum and I went to her place exceptionally early to helpout.

As a matter of fact, it could have been a boring day if we didnt find something to do to entertain ourselves.

Seeing Meimei sitting on the floor staring at a yellow toolbox with her hand so tempted to touch and yet, with her eyes checking if Jia Rong, the owner is looking, JoeRoy and I joined her.

Jiejie: Meimei, what are you doing?
Meimei: *Pointing at the yellow box and whines* I want to play.
Jiejie: Play lo.. *Opens up the box and took out Jia Rong's Pokemon collections

Trying to be funny, I took out this figurine which looks alot like a pineapple and showed to Meimei.

Jiejie: Meimei, do you know the name of this?
Meimei: *Thinks hard* No..
Jiejie: This is the PINEAPPLE MAN!!!!
Meimei: *Looked at me with a bitchy face* Not funny at all. *Turns away*
Jiejie: .....

I cant imagine what just happened!!!!

Its not funny, I know but she's only 4!!!!

Then again, she picked up another blue colour figurine.

Meimei: This is La Tio.
JoeRoy: Is it?
Meimei: Yes, La Tio is the RED colour one.
JoeRoy: But this is blue, so this is La BLUE.
Jiejie: ...

YES, they are my cousins.
Heard from my aunt that Meimei actually told other kids in school, DON'T PISS ME OFF!!!
I repeat. She's ONLY 4.


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