How Do I Live?

*Sings* How do I live without you???

*Turns & Grabbed Mic* I can't live.... if living is without you... I can

Self-Imaginary-Neighbour: OOI DIAM DIAM LA!

Recently, I've been busy. Real busy, I mean. Busy with what? Work lo... *Winks*

If Maple Story is fun, same goes to my authentic MARIO!!!
*Awww when'll I ever get tired of it???

Night shifts are nothing when you bring a game controller along. *12 hours? Double it man... Lolx!

Woohoo.. Yesterday, I brought my game controller to office and somehow or rather, the night seems so damned short! BWAHAHAHA!!!

Then I even realise something interesting, if you call it interesting..

I've no idea since when my table has become a share among everyone thingy???

*Cries* When will I GET MY TABLE BACKKKKK?????


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to beg my enemy...why? why? why?


Sat Jun 17, 12:42:00 PM  
Blogger Blogger*WannaBe said...

Hahahaha... well you already got what you want, why bother to whine now??? LOL!!!

Sat Jun 17, 04:44:00 PM  

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